
Stupid, small annoying pest-folk. A small humanoid.

Imagine a small ugly thing, all teeth and ears and nose, with tiny evil eyes.

Stupidly clever, Stupidly comical, Stupidly mean.

HD: 0 Armor: none
Hit it: normal Dodge it: normal
Move: normal  

It can see in the dark and be sneaky.

Attacks (1/round)

Coward Stab. The goblin makes a melee attack (1D4) and then hides in a nearby spot.

Coward Shot. The goblin makes a ranged attack (1D4) and then hides in a nearby spot.

Random Encounter
  1. Monster: 3D4 goblins & …
    1. nothing
    2. 1D4 of them are goons
    3. 1 of them is a shaman
    4. 1 beast
    5. 1D4 hobgoblins
    6. roll twice
  2. Lair: Dirty tents randomly set around a trash pit. 1D4 random valuables scattered among them.
    Omen: Incoherent yells and cackles.
  3. Spoor: Creature freshly killed in the most cowardly way.
  4. Tracks: Carelessly discarded trash.
  5. Trace: Crude mural.
  6. Trace: A lone goblin.
Salvaging the body

You find the monster’s weapons and … (Roll as many times as the HD of the monster)

  1. Nothing.
  2. Nothing.
  3. Nothing.
  4. 1D4 crude arrows
  5. 1D4 humanoid teeth
  6. Random object from the D200 failed professions table
2D6 Goblin Cultures

Combine the result of both tables to get the broad lines of this humanoid culture in this part of the world.


  1. The ones that live in the trash of another civilization.
  2. The ones that live in tunnels scattered in the area.
  3. The ones that live in canopy huts hidden in vegetation.
  4. The ones that live in vast war camps with other, stronger humanoids.
  5. The ones that are part of the hobgoblin legion.
  6. The ones that are slaves to an other humanoid civilization.


  1. They fear light and only come out at night to scavenge and hunt.
  2. They are organized in a crudely efficient mob organization.
  3. Their leader just died and you might be a good candidate.
  4. There is a niblog in their ranks, sowing chaos.
  5. They are the primary food of a dangerous beast / aberration.
  6. Where there are goblins, there are bugbears and hobgoblins …
Player Class

Play as a (many) goblins!

Written on November 14, 2020